July 6, 2012


wearing: vintage Dior top, thrifted denim vest, borrowed floral pants, ASOS leather heels, leather black bag {Taiwan}, Levis braided belt

One really really early phone interview later, I had more than enough time to get ready for class and thus came the birth of my loudest outfit yet. It all started with the floral pants. Because of Berkeley's temperamental weather, I knew pants were the way to go and this pair is lightweight, soft and more appealing than jeans. Going off the color scheme of the pantaloons, the vintage Dior top I snagged for $3 was a perfect match, the coral on coral ties the top to the bottom. Never one to mix patterns quite like this, I took a chance playing around with the dynamics of stripes and floral, hoping to create a happy medium between the two that doesn't create an eyesore thus came the need to introduce the denim vest which acts like a buffer, you can think of it as a referee trying to delegate between the teams, team stripes and team floral. The leather accents, from the shoes to the bag to the belt, complete the look with little bits of black here and there, not too overwhelming nor to sparse. I got stares and confused looks for every step I took that day and then a "you should start a fashion blog," which, obviously, made my day.

Oh yeah, I got the internship! I'm a new editorial intern for Betty Confidential, writing for their Beauty+Style Section and then some. Sometimes taking a risk is well worth it, no? I'm going to attribute my stroke of good luck to this outfit, because I can and I will.


Kashara of Undiscovered Worth said...

I love this outfit! The floral pants are gorgeous:)


With Miloveda said...

Your pants are too die for...And I'm so happy for you,

Laura said...

Congrats!!!! omg I could never pull that off the way you do--or even come up with the idea to put it all together. and WHATTA STEAL DIOR TOP $3 WINWINWIN NO MATTER WHAT <3

Unknown said...

Love those floral pants

ahoymichelle said...

Oh my gosh, what a steal indeed and congratulations on your internship!!

I absolutely love your floral bottoms!


Mihaela said...

really good outfit. i like it.


Mihaela said...

really good outfit. i like it.


Bree said...

Love the pants and congratzz on your internship :D


maggie said...

Congrats on your internship! Sounds amazing :) And those floral pants are BOMBIN.

xx maggie



Stefani said...

Wow,you look great! Those floral pants are amazing! Congrats on your internship!

Gina said...

Your room is crazy. so many clothes... go shopping with me and Esther!!


Krys said...

WOOOOO! That's fantastic girl, congratulations on the internship! xx

Hiispyrebel said...

Oh gosh I love so much your pants ! I follow you

