June 11, 2013


Hello beautiful people! It's true, I'm alive! After finishing finals (hooray!), my life has been stuck on fast forward. From the graduations (don't leave) we attended and cried at to the constant packing, it was all a crazy blur. I had to move out of Berkeley, back into my home home in Concord, and then out again for LA, all within three days. Where's the pause button when you need it? 

The first weekend in town, I went to the Pasadena Music Festival and then saw Mumford and Sons the day after. I started my internship at Lucky Brand the very next day, I feel like I haven't had a moment to breathe.  But, then again, I don't really want the madness to stop. I am absolutely loving everything. LA is no joke, I'm completely smitten. So, of course when life is going too well, would be the perfect time for my MacBook to crash. Cue gasp. Pretty much the epitome of every blogger's worst nightmare. Silly me didn't back a single thing up so here I am, very very behind on just about everything.

So while I'm playing catch up with life, blogging has been put on the back burner until I either: a) find a photographer (hey photographers hey, holla at me!) or b) find a tripod. Until then, I have been, and will be, shooting lots of outfit shots on Instagram! So follow me on there to see what's up with me, myself, and I!